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According to Tonya, Max has a medical condition, and their mother would routinely leave his medication on the counter at night so he would remember to take it in the morning. After saying goodnight to Max around 10:00 p.m. on Saturday night, Andrea laid the medicine out, as usual. Tonya told Dateline that when their mother left for work around 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, the medication was still on the counter, which wasn’t surprising, since she wouldn’t have expected Max to be awake yet. Later that morning, Tonya began messaging Max to check in about previously scheduled plans to go to the movies together, but got no response. “I was starting to get frustrated,” Tonya told Dateline. “Then, my mom got off work around 2:00 p.m. and called me because Max’s medicine was still sitting [at the house]. We thought that was very weird, and started making phone calls to see if anyone knew where he was.” Max Greenfield with his mother, Andrea Greenfield. Tonya Brown Tonya says that nobody knew where her younger brother was.
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